Committees are established to carry out the necessary business of the Society and to fulfill the objectives as stated in Article I of the Constitution. Councils are established to promote the exchange of ideas, resolve problems, and coordinate the efforts of all committees. The President shall appoint committee chairmen and assign Directors to chair the councils as described below. The first term Director shall chair one council and the other Directors shall each chair two councils. Commencing in 2006, and every third year thereafter, the first-term Director shall also be the agent of service processing for NOGS and for the Memorial Foundation. The councils shall meet annually and report to the Board of Directors via their respective Director.

AAPG Delegates Committee: This committee shall be composed of NOGS members who have been elected to the AAPG House of Delegates. The Chairman of this committee shall coordinate the votes of the NOGS Delegates to reflect the position of the Society's members.

AAPG Student Chapter Committee: This committee shall act as liaison between the chapter and the NOGS Board of Directors.

Advertising Committee: This committee shall be responsible for obtaining advertising for the NOGS LOG, the NOGS Web Site, and other publications.

Best Paper Committee: This committee shall secure judges for the monthly meeting presentations. It shall provide these judges with forms on which to evaluate the speaker's presentation. On the basis of these evaluations it shall select the best paper of the year, have the Awards Committee prepare an award, and present the award to the winner at the earliest possible NOGS luncheon meeting of the subsequent year.

Continuing Education Committee: This committee shall be responsible for presenting all technical programs except those at the regular monthly or special Society meetings. It shall select topics and speakers and arrange for necessary meeting accommodations, and prepare a publication appropriate to the subject of the program. It shall conduct at least one program annually.

Entertainment Committee: This committee shall be responsible for all social functions of the Society including selecting, with the approval of the Board of Directors, the times and places of such events. It shall coordinate functions with those of other committees and other societies to avoid conflicts. The President-Elect or his appointee shall be the chairman of this committee.

External Affairs Committee: This committee shall be responsible for monitoring external information sources which might have an impact on the geological profession or on any issue which NOGS may wish to take a position. This committee shall keep the Board of Directors advised of any attempts to pass a bill requiring registration of geologists in the State of Louisiana or in adjacent states which may affect the membership. It shall bring issues to the attention of the NOGS Board. The committee shall be responsible for preparing and distributing public statements on behalf of NOGS after receiving approval of the Board. This committee shall inform both the news media and other professional organizations of NOGS monthly meetings and all other NOGS activities as appropriate.

Field Trip Committee: This committee shall be responsible for all geological field trips organized by the Society. It shall conduct at least one field trip annually.

Membership Committee: This committee shall seek new members for the Society. It shall be responsible for notifying members whose dues are past due of their delinquent status. It shall make membership application cards available at all Society functions. It shall work closely with Directory, NOGS LOG and other committees to assure accurate and timely membership accounting.

NGNO (New Geologists of New Orleans) Committee: This committee shall be responsible for providing activities and a support network for the members of the Society that have less than 10 years of industry experience or are under 40 years of age. This committee will seek to engage the New Geologists of New Orleans in the operations, committees and activities of the New Orleans Geological Society.

NOGS LOG Committee: This committee shall be responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter titled NOGS LOG. It shall be chaired by the Editor who shall be responsible for notifying the membership of the dates and nature of all meetings. The Editor-Elect will be the vice chairman of the committee.

Program Committee: This committee shall arrange for the speakers at NOGS regular monthly meetings. It shall be responsible for making arrangements with the hosting establishment. It shall arrange for any audio and visual equipment required by the speaker. The Vice-President shall be the chairman of this committee.

School Outreach Committee: This committee shall be responsible for promoting interest in geology and disseminating information about geology and related sciences particularly to primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities and community groups. It also shall provide geological publications for the public libraries in Orleans and adjacent parishes.

Scouting Committee: This committee shall promote and support the Scouting movement and assist in all matters pertaining to geology, including the Geology Merit Badge Program.

Technical Projects Committee: This committee shall be responsible for all technical projects undertaken by the Society, including new publications. The committee shall keep abreast of technology which could prove useful to the membership, and it shall impart this knowledge to the Society

New Orleans Geological Society
3433 Highway 190, Suite #188
Mandeville, LA. 70471

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